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Morel harvesting permits available in May

People hoping for a share of the earthy mushrooms that often pop up after a wildfire can apply for a commercial harvesting permit for morels from the Methow Valley Ranger District starting Monday (May 2).

People can collect up to 5 gallons a day for their own use without a permit, as long as they carry a copy of the Free Incidental Use Mushroom Information Sheet while they’re foraging.

Commercial permits are required for anyone who plans to sell mushrooms or collect more than 5 gallons per day. Permits are $30 for two days, $80 for 30 days, and $100 for the season, which runs from May 2 through July 31.

Permits will be sold at the ranger district office in Winthrop. Maps are available for harvest areas in the Cedar Creek and Cub Creek 2 fire areas.

With the possibility that there will be a lot of mushroom pickers in burned areas, the U.S. Forest Service advises people that these areas are vulnerable as they recover from the fire. “As forest visitors search for mushrooms in our fire-affected lands, I ask you to keep in mind that these burned lands are exceptionally vulnerable to disturbance, and practicing leave-no-trace etiquette is very important,” Naches District Ranger Aaron Stockton said.

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